05 MOOD CUE clue people in to how you're doing.04 COLOR MIXING LAMP produce any color with a lamp that uses light as an input.03 LOVE-O-METER measure how hot-blooded you are.02 SPACESHIP INTERFACE design the control panel for your starship.01 GET TO KNOW YOUR TOOLS an introduction to the basics.Within all this, you’ll be teaching students how to think critically, learn collaboratively, and solve problems.

There’s an introduction to sensors and actuators and how to understand both digital and analog signals. You can use the starter kit to teach students about current, voltage, and digital logic as well as the fundamentals of programming. No prior experience is required, as the kits introduce both coding and electronics through fun, engaging, and hands-on projects. Check if there is any data available from the Bluetooth device: if (BTSerial.Quickly and easily get started with learning electronics using the Arduino Starter Kit, which have a universal appeal to STEM fans at home, businesses in STEAM industries, and schools alike. Set the output pins for the light bulbs: pinMode(2, OUTPUT) ġ1. Initialize the Bluetooth serial communication: BTSerial.begin(9600) ĩ. Initialize the serial communication for debugging with the computer: Serial.begin(9600) Ĩ. Create a SoftwareSerial object for Bluetooth communication, specifying the RX and TX pins: SoftwareSerial BTSerial(10, 11) // RX, TXħ. Set the properties of the Bluetooth Client component to connect to the HC-05 Bluetooth module.Ħ.Add three Label components to the app and set their texts to “Status1: OFF”, “Status2: OFF”, and “Status3: OFF”.Add another three Button components to the app and set their texts to “OFF1”, “OFF2”, and “OFF3”.Add three Button components to the app and set their texts to “ON1”, “ON2”, and “ON3”.Add a Bluetooth Client component to the app.Create a new project and design the app interface as desired.Create an MIT App Inventor app as follows:.Repeat the above steps for the second and third AC light bulbs, connecting them to the second and third relay modules respectively.Another wire from the first AC light bulb to the NO or NC pin on the first relay module (depending on the desired operation).One wire from the first AC light bulb to the COM pin on the first relay module.Connect the 3 AC light bulbs to the SPDT relay module as follows:.IN1, IN2, IN3, and IN4 pins to pins 2, 3, 4, and 5 on the Arduino UNO.Connect the 4 channel SPDT relay module to the Arduino UNO as follows:.Connect the HC-05 Bluetooth module to the Arduino UNO as follows:.